Airport Badging

AOA Badge

An AOA badge is the most common type of badge. The AOA is defined as all areas within the fenced portion of the airport excluding SIDA. This badge will allow access to general aviation areas. It does not allow access to secure areas at the terminal building.

SIDA Badge

Restricted to individuals working or needing access to the commercial terminal. A SIDA badge is also valid in all other areas of the AOA.

Sterile Area Badge

Primarily used for concessionaires in the secure area of the terminal. Those individuals must go through TSA Screening to access the Sterile Area.


Before acquiring or renewing a badge at RAP Airport each applicant must present 2 forms of valid Documentation, one of which must have a photo. Applicants may present one selection from List A or a combination of one selection from List B and one selection from List C. These documents are used to establish the applicant’s identity and eligibility to work in the United States.

Faxed, Photocopied, or expired documentation will not be accepted.

Failure to present the appropriate documentation will result in applicant being turned away from the badge process.

  • Step 1:  Authorization and Appointment
  • Step 2:  First Appointment, Background Check
  • Step 3:  Clearances
  • Step 4: Training
  • Step 5: Badge Training- All Badge Types
  • Replacement Procedures
  • Privacy Act
Step 1:  Authorization and Appointment

Authorization and Appointment

A Rapid City Regional Airport approved authorized signatory begins the badging process for badge holders by completing an authorization form and submitting to the badging office. Each employer at the airport has a designated signatory; please see them to start the process. If you wish to apply for a badge but are not employed by an airport entity (ex. hangar tenant or contractor), please call the RAP badging office at 605-791-6785 for further information.

Once your signatory sends the authorization form to the badging office, you can schedule an appointment.  Badge appointments can be scheduled below. The badging office is located in Fire Station 8.

A signatory is not required for AOA badges.

Step 2:  First Appointment, Background Check

First Appointment, Background Check and Preliminary Testing

Before acquiring or renewing a badge at RAP Airport each applicant must present 2 forms of valid documentation, one of which must have a photo. Applicants may present one selection from List A or a

combination of one selection from List B and one

selection from List C. These documents are used to establish the applicant’s identity and eligibility to work in the United States.

At this appointment please bring 2 forms of unexpired government-issued identification

1 to establish identity and 1 to establish employment authorization.

See below examples for combinations that are acceptable:

Driver’s License and U.S. Passport

Driver’s License and Certified Birth Certificate

Driver’s License and Social Security Card

Badge fees will be due unless they are covered by your employer. 

We accept checks payable to the Rapid City Regional Airport, We also accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover or cash.

On the day of your badging appointment:

You will be required to complete the RAP Security Badge Application form on our computer and e-sign. The data from your application is sent to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to be approved for any airport issued badge.

SIDA badge applicants must also complete and pass the Criminal History Records Check (CHRC), conducted through fingerprinting. It may take one week or longer to receive clearances for the security background checks. To verify the status of your background check, please contact your employer or signatory.

Location of badging office

The badging office is located in the Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting (ARFF) building. Go north on Airport Rd. and turn right on Kitty Hawk Rd. at the top of the hill. The badging office will be on your left.

Click Here for a map

Preliminary Testing

Individuals seeking driving privileges in the non-movement area must read and review the Vehicle Operators Training Manual and complete the Non-movement Area Driving Test. Both can be viewed and downloaded below.

Applicants should bring the completed non-movement area test with them to the training session and also for a badge renewal.

Required Study Material for Driving Privileges

Step 3:  Clearances


Your STA and CHRC results are typically received by the badging office less than one week after your application appointment.  You cannot obtain a badge until your successful clearances are received by the badging office.

Step 4: Training

Badge Training

A series of training videos will be sent to you via ANTN Digicast. These must be reviewed annually and completed before the issuance of a new badge.  

30 Business Day Window to Complete Badging Process

SIDA and Sterile Badge applicants:  You have 30 business days from the Security Background Clearance date to complete the badging process. Failure to complete the badging process within 30 business days will require the applicant to be fingerprinted again before a badge is issued, and an additional charge may be applicable for processing security checks again.

AOA Applicants:  You have 30 business days from the Security Background Clearance date to complete the badging process. If the period exceeds 30 days, an additional charge may be applicable for processing security checks again.

Step 5: Badge Training- All Badge Types

Badge Audit and Renewal

Each year you will need to renew or audit your badge, you will receive an email notification from the badging office with instructions on how to renew and/or audit your badge about a month before the due date.  If you fail to renew or audit your badge by the deadline date specified on your notification, your badge will be disabled and no longer be valid.

Audit and Renewal Appointments

Badge holders must appear in person at the badging office with the following in hand:

Your airport badge

2 unexpired forms of government issued identification (see Step 2 above)

Current proof of vehicle insurance, if your vehicle is driven on the airfield

Badge holders will review their original application to make updates as needed

Failure to Renew or Return

Your badge will be deactivated if your badge has not been audited or renewed by the deadline date specified on your notification (one year before your badge expiration date for audits; and the badge's expiration date for renewals)

A $50 reactivation fee will be assessed if you missed your audit or renewal deadline

After a 15-day grace period, renewals will no longer be accepted and all outstanding badges will be considered lost and a $100 lost badge fee will be assessed

If a badge is still required, the badging process will need to be restarted including payment of associated fees

If you no longer need your badge it still must be returned.

Replacement Procedures

If you lose your badge, report the loss immediately by calling the Badging Office/Airport Operations

Replacement of Lost Badges

Submit a properly completed and signed Lost Badge Form available at the badging office. Pay a lost badge fee of $100. You must present one form of government-issued photo identification when you apply for a replacement badge. If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must present valid INS documentation.

Replacement of Broken or Damaged Badges

You can replace a damaged or broken badge at the badging office for a $20 re-issue fee.

Privacy Act


Authority: 6 U.S.C. § 1140, 46 U.S.C. § 70105; 49 U.S.C. §§ 106, 114, 5103a, 40103(b)(3),

40113, 44903, 44935-44936, 44939, and 46105; the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11

Commission Act of 2007, § 1520 (121 Stat. 444, Public Law 110-53, August 3, 2007); FAA

Reauthorization Act of 2018, §1934(c) (132 Stat. 3186, Public Law 115-254, Oct 5, 2018), and

Executive Order 9397 (November 22, 1943), as amended.

Purpose: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will use the information to

conduct a security threat assessment. If applicable, your fingerprints and associated information will be

provided to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for the purpose of comparing your

fingerprints to other fingerprints in the FBI’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) system or its

successor systems including civil, criminal, and latent fingerprint repositories. The FBI may

retain your fingerprints and associated information in NGI after the completion of this

application and, while retained, your fingerprints may continue to be compared against other

fingerprints submitted to or retained by NGI. DHS will also transmit your fingerprints for

enrollment into US-VISIT Automated Biometrics Identification System (IDENT).

DHS will also maintain a national, centralized revocation database of individuals who have had airport -

or aircraft operator- issued identification media revoked for noncompliance with aviation security

requirements. DHS has established a process to allow an individual whose name is mistakenly entered

into the database to correct the record and have the individual’s name expunged from the database. If

an individual who is listed in the centralized database wishes to pursue expungement due to mistaken

identity, the individual must send an email to TSA at

Routine Uses: In addition to those disclosures generally permitted under 5 U.S.C. § 552a(b) of

the Privacy Act, all or a portion of the records or information contained in this system may be

disclosed outside DHS as a routine use pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552a(b)(3) including with third

parties during the course of a security threat assessment, employment investigation, or

adjudication of a waiver or appeal request to the extent necessary to obtain information pertinent

to the assessment, investigation, or adjudication of your application or in accordance with the

routine uses identified in the TSA system of records notice (SORN) DHS/TSA 002,

Transportation Security Threat Assessment System. For as long as your fingerprints and

associated information are retained in NGI, your information may be disclosed pursuant to your

consent or without your consent as permitted by the Privacy Act of 1974 and all applicable

Routine Uses as may be published at any time in the Federal Register, including the Routine

Uses for the NGI system and the FBI’s Blanket Routine Uses.

Disclosure: Pursuant to § 1934(c) of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018, TSA is required to

collect your SSN on applications for Secure Identification Display Area (SIDA) credentials. For

SIDA applications, failure to provide this information will result in denial of a credential. For

other aviation credentials, although furnishing your SSN is voluntary, if you do not provide the

information requested, DHS may be unable to complete your security threat assessment.

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Airport Badging Office

4440 Kitty Hawk Rd

Rapid City, SD 57703

The badging office is located in the Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting (ARFF) building. Go north on Airport Rd. and turn right on Kitty Hawk Rd. at the top of the hill. The badging office will be on your left.

Directions to the Badging office